Teru teru bozu/てるてる坊主

I found the Teru teru bozu at my balcony that Momo made wishing for a fine day. It has been raining or cloudy these days.
I searced on the net for some better photos of teru teru bozu and found one in black and white that made me nostalgic.
I used to hang it the day before the school trip as a child.

‘teru’/照る means sunny or bright in Japanese. Bozu means a shaveling. Bozu has several meanings. I think it’s a shaven headed boy in this case. The Wikipedia explaines this bozu as a buddhist priest, though. Anyway, teru teru bozues are hung beneath the canopy to bring people the bright sunny day! 06_tsuyu01_04s 

9 thoughts on “Teru teru bozu/てるてる坊主

  1. Wow! It’s so cute!

    I’m sorry I’ve been so busy on my spring break! Should we make time to talk today?
    A shaveling means ‘a man shaved; like a monk, or other religious’. But the term is normal used in contempt or scorn.

    1. Hi A.D.
      Do you enjoy your spring break?
      Of course, we could talk today, but I have an errand around noon.(It’ll be around 9 o’clock in your state). But I’ll turn on the Skype to get a call from you while I’m at home. So, please call me when you have a time.

      Thank you for the word ‘shaveling’. I’ll correct it to ‘a man shaved’. It’ll be better!  :)

  2. めちゃ可愛い。見たことがあるのになまえを知らなかったんです。来年に娘と作ろうと思う。 :)

    Very cute! I’ve seen these before, but I didn’t know what the name was. I think next year I will make one with my daughter. 🙂

    1. Yes, it’s very cute and easy to make. Your daughter will be fun. And ask about the song for teru teru bozu to your wife. “Teru teru bozu, teru bozu, ashita tenki ni shite okure~”like that.

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